
“At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts….Every creditor shall cancel any loan….there need be no poor people among you.” Deuteronomy 15

Nancy L. Thompson is a bankruptcy lawyer in Iowa. Her practice focuses on representing consumers and small businesses in bankruptcy. If you have debt you can’t pay contact us today!

Contact us today. We can help.

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We Advocate for Debtors

In my forty years as an Iowa lawyer, I’ve represented consumers and small businesses in bankruptcy, defended against debt collection and helped consumers assert their rights. We can help you too.

Many of our clients need to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get debt relief or to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure or cure a mortgage default.

Life has thrown you some curve balls. Don’t wait, take action now.

Most of us have too much debt not because of something we did wrong but because of all the curve balls we’re thrown in life.

Family illness, divorce, loss of employment or a cut in wages aren’t things we ask for. We can take action to get debt relief but many people wait to contact me until after their wages or bank accounts are being garnished. Or they wait until a sheriff’s sale has been scheduled in a foreclosure. Or they wait until their retirement accounts have been depleted, jeopardizing their future and that of their children. Some wait until they’ve spent thousands of dollars on scam debt settlement programs.

Don’t wait. Start dealing with your debt problems now by contacting us.

Nancy L. Thompson Law Office, P.C. is located in the historic Saddlery Building on Court Avenue in downtown Des Moines. Garage and meter parking are available. We’re also accessible via the downtown Des Moines skywalk.

Nancy L. Thompson, Attorney

Nancy has over forty years of experience helping consumers and small businesses with their debt problems. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Iowa State University and her J.D., with honors, from the University of Iowa College of Law. She is a member of the Iowa State Bar Association, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

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Client Testimonials

“Thank you Nancy for everything! As I sat there this morning witnessing other cases, it was clear to me that other attorneys did not have their clients nearly as prepared or educated on the process. There were/are things we missed or overlooked, but at no fault of yours. Thank you for not letting us present our stammering selves to the trustee.” –  Amy, Client
“I can’t sufficiently express my gratitude for the patience your email conveys must be standard business there at Nancy’s law firm. Yes, it is difficult, but far less so when there are professionals like you that bring your hearts to work and even as busy as you must be, offer compassion and patience so freely to clients.” –  Stan, Client

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